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W/C 29.02.21 August Bicycles Workshop Update: Reflective details, rad customers and The Radavist

Updated: Dec 22, 2021

It's been a heck of week over here at August HQ. We'd like to say a HUGE thank you to the masses of really cool people that have been in touch to say they love what we do, hadn't seen us before but are now big fans and everyone trying to give us deposits for fun things. If you all only knew what a boost it has been, and the amazing timing of said boost. Thank you.

Right. To the things we've been up to. Firstly, we finally have the teeny little commuter build back from powder, built up and ready to go off to its new home. It's a surprise present for a busy working mum and honestly? There's no bigger compliment than being asked to build a bicycle for a good friend's (much) better half. The trust is just so overwhelming and appreciated.

So, what did we build for Rosie? We don't know what the trendiest/wank-worthy term for this bicycle is. You could call it a basket bike, a commuter, a hybrid or maybe we aren't as down with the kids as we once were and have missed a super 'lit' term for it. Is this a sign we need to get on Tik Tok? HA! (Enter plethora of fire emojis here). We call it a comfy commuter and a work horse for a suddenly far longer commute.

It's got 650b wheels to allow for big tyres, full steel Columbus Zona tubing, the fillets are unfiled (something we HATE doing due to self-imposed inferiority complex about, what are actually very decent, fillets). It's powdercoated for durability and budget and then we added some fun reflective decals. We usually have braze-on stainless logos with powdercoat but here, safety is key, so we went with decals. We aren't usually a fan or user of them, especially on custom bikes because they can feel a bit cheap, but these ones actually look fantastic and add a lot of practicality too. During the day, they are black and match the build kit but shine a light on them and they dazzle bright white. Great for those evening journeys through London! We added reflective polka dots to the tips of the mudguards too, as an homage to our famous town bike from back in the day and also to scratch an itch and maximise Rosie's road visibility. Those colour-matched mudguard stays are a little in-house trademark too, though we might have started a trend there, as we are seeing the idea filter out...

The custom front rack has Wald basket fixing points, as well as internal routing for the front dynamo. We've included modified Son SL dynamo drop-outs and there's a custom light bracket helping to keep the wiring all internal for the rear dynamo too. We bobbed the rear fender, to let her wheel it through turnstiles etc without damage as well. It's the details that count. Build kit is some parts-bin and some internet bargains. This was a budget build remember, but that doesn't mean ill considered. The tyres might be overkill for some, but Rosie is very keen to avoid punctures on her long commute, so that's what she's got!

Here are a few snaps, but we will add some more to the gallery page. Please note our full transparency in terms of taking these in our kitchen, with our baby running around and even a zip-tie holding on a shifter that was sent in error and will be replaced when delivered. We could pretend that we have a studio to use etc but why bother? We aren't pro snappers and shitty parts happen. We'd rather be honest! It shouldn't detract from a great build. Also, in case some of you missed the memo, we are in a pandemic and having someone over to shoot the bike wasn't going to happen. Lockdown isn't flouted over here.

Milton's stem rack came back from the powdercoater too and wow. That's gotten some attention, not least from The Radavist. Can we say a few words here? We've never really considered ourselves as 'playing the game'. Maybe that's why we are a little less heard of, but we've always hoped for organic traffic, genuine appreciation and a following of people who see the value in what we do, how and why. So to be featured on The Radavist was an absolute moment for us.

Whether you're a reader, a fan or a cynic, you can't deny that John and his team have influence and a huge reach. A positive word from these guys can do a lot for a two-person family framebuilding company and honestly? It has! We are putting our universal stem rack into production as we type and it's all because so many of you have been in touch to ask for one. It's been almost overwhelming, but in a great way. We have wondered — as we sat on the sofa after baby bedtime — if we need to pinch ourselves a bit. Just when you think the industry can't surprise you anymore, the biggest website gives you props. Unbelievable and very humbling.

We've talked quite a bit about Milton's rack already, but here are some glamour shots if you missed them on Instagram. And please do get in touch if you are thinking about ordering one. We are planning to make a batch in the near future and numbers need to be known!

Derek has been a perfect customer, but what else can you expect from a fellow Bullitt rider? His custom stem is back from getting its finish applied and is ready to be sent off to San Francisco this week. Derek, it has been an absolute pleasure to help you give your cargo bike a little extra love.

As anyone in the trade knows, we are sat waiting for materials, parts and spokes for a number of projects but we are keeping busy, staying positive and generally, just getting on. That's all we can do really isn't it? Apart from signing any and all petitions, such as THIS ONE to complain about the pittance of a proposed pay rise for the NHS. £3.50 A WEEK? Wow. Our health care professionals' cups runneth over. Please join us in taking the time to protest this shitty move!

Rad Peeps of the Week:

  • John at The Radavist for noticing us in a sea of Instagram posts

  • Everyone that bought us a coffee this week, once again! We see you Colin!

  • Noah over at Temple Cycles for being the ultimate dad confidante

  • NHS staff who are overcoming their deepest desires to quit in order to fulfil a vocation. We don't know how you do it!

  • Everyone else who jokes that Karl and Keith Urban must be brothers (we can't watch Dredd without this. Not just because it's crap either!)

See you next time!


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