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W/C 22.02.21 August Bicycles Workshop Update: Big wheels keep on turning

Updated: Dec 22, 2021

While we've been waiting for raw materials to appear, we've had a bit of a flashback week because it's been wheels, wheels and more custom wheels.

For those of you who have known us a long time (we're so sorry), you'll remember that we started out as August Wheelworks. We don't like to toot our own horn too much (why bother when you can pay magazines to do it for you?) but we became well known for building some of the best wheels around. That's why our little orange dots were as common at Bespoked as custom frames for a while there. We've built wheels for big brands, individual customers, race teams, Experiments in Speed bikes and more so actually, it was rather nice to sit down with the spoke keys again for a week.

First up was this rather sexy set of track wheels for our good friend and industry colleague, Noah. He was quick off the mark to snag the pair of custom anodised Dura Ace hubs that we had for sale last year, safe in the knowledge he would "need a set of wheels at some point" that they could be built into. That time came and we laced them into a set of 40mm carbon rims with our stealth reflective logos and black spokes and nipples to complete the look.

Noah's also giving some thought to having a set of cranks custom anodised to match. Everyone tell him he should go for it. The collars and cuffs need to match dude.

These fun custom projects are something we really enjoy. There's only so many custom anodised or polished bits we need for our own bikes, so let's form a queue to get you all in the ultra-custom gang too. As per our Instagram stories, no we won’t be making a video of the process so you can do it for cheaps in your garage. Sorry. Again, this is our career and the way we support and feed a family. It’s not a hobby side line that we back up with a corporate job. Call us a joke all you like, that says a lot more about you, your attitude to small businesses and your general demeanour.

Next, we went to the other end of the spectrum with a set of classically beautiful and wallet-friendly road bike wheels. We used components from Kinlin and Bitex to make a reliable, quality and highly serviceable set of wheels that didn't cost the earth because of big name brands. It's always a pleasure to build something that isn't all black, it just adds a little balance. There's nothing better than seeing the reflection of polished spokes twinkling on the road beside you during a summer ride either. Bliss.

Another cool build this week was an Onyx 29er rear wheel build. For those of you who don’t know about Onyx, they buck the trend of loud freehub bodies by using a sprag clutch, which is perfectly silent and also has instantaneous engagement.

The rest of the builds this week were great but maybe not as interesting or exciting as these three. Rest assured, our finger callouses are humming now and we are glad to be back in the workshop cutting some tubes again. We are dealers for all the above components, so if something tickled your fancy, lucky you and get in touch.

We had a couple of brilliant mail days this week. A care package from Danielle over at Schön Studio arrived, chock full of t-shirts, stickers and Sharpies (the pens may have made us unreasonably excited).

We also finally tracked down the holy grail of flex stem parts: an Ahead set compatible steerer clamp. It took a while to get here from California but goes really well with the stupid fillet-brazed extension/handlebar clamp I made a while back.

We put the bat signal out for a set of Newvex lugs last week. We don't build lugged bikes per se. We've fixed plenty, created bi-lam frames, but never gone full lugged with a design before, but we have a special project in the works. Of course, the lug set I wanted wasn’t available anymore. Would have been too easy if it was, but Richie Sachs himself and Tom over at Demon came through like absolute champs. More about this build later, but needless to say, a memorial bike for my beloved dad is going to be a real labour of love and something we won't rush.

Rad Peeps of the Week:

  • Danielle at Schön. You really did cheer us up with the wishes of zero fuckery

  • Everyone that bought us a coffee this week, again!

  • Richie Sachs and Tom at Demon for getting us one step closer to a really important project

  • Good friends who have been checking in (pass it on guys, everyone is struggling)

  • My mate Dug for telling me to pull my finger out and get my mountain bike together. It's done, so here's to a socially distanced ride soon

  • Sylvester Stallone for producing Ultimate Beast Master (this week's evening shit binge)

See you next time!


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